Employment Transportation Strategies

Trip Reduction Impacts of Mobility Management Strategies (TRIMMS). (National Center for Transit Research and the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida, 2023). TRIMMS is a visual basic (VB) application spreadsheet model that estimates the impacts of a broad range of transportation demand initiatives and provides program cost effectiveness assessment, such as net program benefit and benefit-to-cost ratio analysis.

Transportation to work toolkit (Community Transportation Assn. of America, 2012). A series of two-page fact sheets and examples of activities undertaken by employers to assist their employees in realizing a timely, cost-efficient commute.

Association for Commuter Transportation. An international trade association that supports transportation demand management professionals in their efforts to reduce traffic congestion, conserve energy and improve air quality.

Best Workplaces for Commuters. A national program that recognizes employers for offering outstanding commuter benefits, such as free or low cost bus passes and vanpool fares and strong telework programs.

Disability Employment Initiative.  A coordinated effort of the Employment & Training Administration and Office of Disability Employment Policy, both within the U.S. Department of Labor, that provides connections to employment supports for people with disabilities, including transportation.

Integrating Vanpools into Transit Services. On-line, self-paced training leads transit agencies in considering the benefits of offering vanpooling services alongside their other transit services, as well as first steps in doing so. Many resources are included with the training for additional learning.


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