NCMM Community Mobility Design Challenge 2020

NCMM Community Mobility Design Challenge 2020

A vibrant community is one where all residents are empowered to pursue economic, health, and social well being. The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) recognizes the vital role transportation plays in all activities that support the empowerment of individuals across the board. Yet often community transportation systems lack the resources and/or strategies to provide the level of mobility to residents that they would like to.

NCMM’s Community Mobility Design Challenge 2020 grants, with funding from the Federal Transit Administration, will support communities in seeking innovative ways to address the personal well-being of community members that face transportation barriers to recreation and physical activities, healthy food, personal safety, economic opportunity, or community and peer support opportunities.

Meet the Teams:

Each team is comprised of a variety of stakeholders to bring in perspectives from every part of the community. Below are the four communities taking part in the Design Challenge 2020 and their focus question. 

Botetourt County, Virginia
How can we provide transportation access to healthcare for elderly and/or disabled people in rural Botetourt County?

North Charleston, South Carolina
How can we help low-income residents of communities in North Charleston access healthy food despite having limited transportation options and no grocery stores within two miles?

Perry County, Missouri
How can we improve access to affordable transportation for Perry County residents age 15 – 59 seeking economic opportunities who are without personal transportation options?

Ware County, Georgia
How can we improve access to work and school opportunities for low income residents of Ware County, GA?

Archived Webinars:

Assumption Testing Webinar (9 Feb 2021)

This webinar covered the basics of the assumption testing phase and also featured the four teams, who shared the solution concepts they will be testing in this phase.

Kick-Off Webinar:
In our first all-team webinar, we coved the basics of human-centered design, the timeline for the design challenge, and got to know the teams.

Pre-application Webinar:
The pre-application webinar covered performing the primary research necessary to complete the application and other important points for a complete application. 


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