City of Tyler (TX) launches on demand micro transit route

  • Date: 05/15/2024

The City of Tyler has launched its first on-demand MicroTransit route for South Tyler to complement existing fixed route services.

Since May 13, riders utilizing the South Tyler route can book a ride by calling Tyler Transit at 903-533-8057 from a bus stop. The ride will take them directly to the doorstep of a destination within three-tenths of a mile of the closest bus stop on the existing South Tyler route.

"Our goal is to improve our current customers' experience riding with us and attract new users by providing a more convenient, reliable and efficient transportation option," said Russ Jackson, Tyler Transit manager. "By tailoring our services with the MicroTransit pilot, we hope to meet the community's needs without imposing additional financial burdens on our riders. We're trying to make public transportation more accessible and flexible."

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