WHO Global Disability Action Plan: Overcoming Healthcare Barriers

  • Date: 11/05/2020

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the lack of healthcare services and resources available to the disability community is a global public health issue. In 2013, 80% of people with disabilities resided in low-income contexts. Within low-income countries that already struggle to provide enough healthcare for the general population, people with disabilities are both more likely to need health services and face barriers toward receiving those services. The recent implementation of the WHO Global Disability Action Plan has initiatives that help eliminate these barriers and enact positive change within the disability community.

General healthcare services along with additional services to treat any subsequent health conditions are required by the disability community. Unfortunately, within many developing countries, people with disabilities are less likely to receive as many servies as those without disabilities due to the many barriers present. Moreover, prevention and health promotion programs, such as cervical and breast cancer screening, reach out far less to the disability community.

The cost of healthcare is higher for those with disabilities as additional services and transportation accommodations are often needed. Nearly 53% of people with disabilities cannot pay for these services in low-income countries. People within the disability community are at higher risk of falling into poverty as their opportunities for education and employment are limited, and therefore, they may be unable to afford healthcare services while living in poverty.

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