Why AI-Based MaaS Is Poised To Be The Future Of Transportation

  • Date: 09/14/2020

MaaS is more technology than it is a physical form of transport. It is an ecosystem of technologies that enable those players in the transport sector to adapt to this current disruption.

If we are to delve into this ecosystem, we will start to see that beyond the vehicle, there are onboard sensors, intelligent manufacturing, connected cars, autonomous vehicles, telematics such as in-car intelligence and assistance, safety, and security, as well as a layer of services that could extend to fleets, ride-sharing and the delivery of goods.

The common denominator here is that every aspect of this ecosystem is steeped in data or is itself data-driven, which increasingly leverages artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) technologies and requires data center infrastructure often comprising of GPUs, high-speed networking and high-performance data lakes.

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