“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates
A lot is happening here at NCMM. We have returned from the Mobility Management Forum in West Palm Beach; an event where Amy Conrick was recognized with a beautiful plaque and some wonderfully kind words from Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Associate Administrator for Program Management, Bruce Robinson. Bruce also announced FTA’s upcoming transition from a Mobility Management Technical Assistance Center (NCMM) to a Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) Technical Assistance Center with the soon-to-be released Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFA).
It was also announced that I would be stepping into the role as the new Director of NCMM. First, I would like to say, this was not a surprise, Amy and I have worked together closely over the past two years in preparation of her walking off into the sunset to spend more time with her husband, John, and her children and grandchildren. I congratulate Amy on her retirement and all the success she has had at CTAA and in building NCMM into what it is today. I would also like to thank her for sharing her knowledge and experience with me as she prepared me to step in and lead this program.
Those that know Amy and those that know me will notice some differences. Amy is somewhat short; I am somewhat tall. Amy has white hair, I have… no hair. Amy is very outgoing while I tend to be a little more reserved. Having said all of that, Amy and I share one similarity. We both have a passion for working with people, particularly those trying to improve access and mobility for members in their communities that struggle or face transportation as a significant barrier to their quality of life. The change in leadership will not change the focus of the work being done by NCMM.
As we move forward with providing support to you, we will prepare for the next change. I feel strongly that the CCAM strategic plan aligns with so much of what NCMM has done over the years. I also know that I have over 20 years’ experience in human services that will align very well with goals of CCAM partners. I am excited to submit a strong application that will utilize my experience of combining mobility management practices to meet the needs of other sectors such as healthcare, employment, access to food and others.
In closing, it is my plan to continue the work and legacy that Amy has built at NCMM. For those I have met and worked with, we will continue to support you to the best of our abilities. For those I have yet to meet, I look forward to meeting you and helping you improve access and mobility to meet the needs in your communities. We will be focusing all our energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
Feel free to reach out.