
Upcoming Webinars

Upcoming webinars from NCMM will be posted here as they are scheduled.

Archived Webinars

Youth On the Move: Transportation Advocacy & Mobility Management

December 4, 2024.

Join us to learn about “Pathways to Progress: Youth Advocacy in Mobility Management”, a guide for mobility management and youth transportation! The importance of youth engagement in transit advocacy cannot be overstated. Today’s youth are the future of transit planning and usage, making it essential to involve them in advocacy efforts from a young age. By engaging young transit advocates, mobility managers can foster innovative perspectives, develop career readiness skills, and empower young disabled individuals to advocate for themselves. 

Planning Grant Pitches 2023

April 29, 2024.

NCMM’s Planning Grantees pitched the ideas that they generated after a months-long human centered design process. 

Universal Mobility Tool Training Webinar

March 22, 2024.

Universal mobility, in its simplest form, is a design practice that ensures that all transportation products and services are available for all user groups.

This learning module and implementation guide takes a systems approach toward universal mobility as it considers a wide range of supporting strategies, from paths of travel, accessible design, understanding passengers, coordination of services, and the role of technology and data standards. 

NCMM- Mobility Management Connections: Virtual Mobility Learning Summit - Day 4

March 22, 2024.

Mobility management focuses on optimizing transportation services to improve accessibility and effectiveness. Public transit plays a key role in enhancing connectivity and promoting universal mobility.

NCMM- Mobility Management Connections: Virtual Mobility Learning Summit - Day 3

March 21, 2024.

Mobility management focuses on optimizing transportation services to improve accessibility and effectiveness. Public transit plays a key role in enhancing connectivity and promoting universal mobility.

Join us for engaging and informative sessions to spring into innovative mobility management programming!

NCMM- Mobility Management Connections: Virtual Mobility Learning Summit - Day 2

March 20, 2024.

Join us as we host the following guests: Milo Booth leading the Tribal Government Affairs Office, guiding tribal matters within the Department of Transportation. Kevin Tafoya, Manager for Cherokee Transit, providing passengers with safe, dependable transportation with public routes on the Cherokee Indian Reservation/Qualla Boundary. Dre’vel Taylor, the Mobility Manager for Lawrence/Douglas County, actively assisted in establishing a travel training program for Lawrence Transit and lead the way in commuter studies in the community. Jessica Kejr oversees programs at Harvesters—The Community Food Network, focusing on initiatives combating hunger.

Mobility Management
Sustainability Assessment Tool Webinar

March 18, 2024.

The MM-SAT is the framework designed specifically for mobility management organizations and informed by best practices. It can also be adapted or scaled to meet your organization where it is currently positioned. We understand that no two mobility management organizations look exactly alike, but there are shared best practices both for organizational operations and service delivery which are valid even if your program doesn’t include some component of the MM-SAT.

Learn how to analyze your programing with the MM-SAT tools to enhance your mobility services in your area!

Don’t Forget about the Sidewalk! The Role of Mobility Management Professionals and Coordination

February 1, 2024.

This webinar featured researchers across Easterseals, the University of Washington, the Utah State University, and the University of Illinois Chicago who shared information about ADA legislation, and tools, such as Project Sidewalk, that can be used to support data collection.  The team also shared information about Universal Pathways, a data set and package of accessibility information that can support communities to prioritize ADA projects.

PolicyMap Training

January 25, 2024.

Tom Love of PolicyMap demonstrates its features, explains what it can be used for, and answers viewer’s questions. 

Mobility Management Connections: Mapping Universal Mobility Options to Better Food Access

December 19, 2023.

As a mobility manager are you struggling to create maps that effectively communicate mobility options available to vital resources in your region? Do you want to learn how to leverage mapping tools to assist transit agencies, community organizations and residents with universal options to access food?

During the webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Easy mapping tools and techniques
  • The importance of mapping mobility options to food access
  • Tips for using maps to make informed decisions and solve complex problems

Blending Funding from Public and Private Sources

December 11, 2023.

Join NCMM for this webinar to learn about how two agencies have secured funding from multiple sources to better serve their communities. We will also discuss the role of philanthropic organizations in funding transportation services. Our speakers are Lori R Egan, Transportation Director, NE Iowa Community Action, Decorah, IA; and Jack Salo, Interim Executive Director, Rural Health Network of South Central NY.


New Growth Transit plans transportation with HHS Funding​

November 30, 2023. Access to reliable transportation is a major concern for many communities in West Central Missouri, particularly those with limited resources. Join NCMM as we talk to Kelly Ast, Chief Officer of New Growth Transit located in Eldorado Springs, Missouri as she speaks about the development of a volunteer driver program serving rural communities. Kelly will talk about how her rural community action agency utilized Health and Human Services funding to plan the new service. Learn how data collection, non-traditional funding, and microtransit helped her agency find and fill the gaps in the transportation system.

Community Mobility Design Challenge Pre-Application Webinar

June 29, 2023. This webinar covered

  • The grant application process 
  • Eligibility
  • The timeline for grant milestones
  • The main activities of the design challenge
  • The what and how of human-centered design and ethnographic-style interviewing
  • Audience questions

Mobility Ohio: DOT Collaboration with State Human Service Agencies

June 21, 2023. Mobility Ohio is a DOT-led collaboration with 7 Ohio state agencies that fund community and human service transportation. Following a successful pilot, ODOT and its partner agencies will apply lessons learned and roll out the new coordinated transportation model statewide. 

In this webinar presenters discussed “How did ODOT get other state agencies to come to the table?” and “What kept them at the table, making real progress toward a shared vision for coordinated transportation?”

NCMM-MMC Conversation: The Role of a Mobility Manager and Developing Partnerships

January 23, 2023. A collaborative discussion about the role a mobility manager plays in the community or an organization along with how to build partnerships.

– Coordinating innovative mobility options and programs

– Funding for mobility management

– Benefits of mobility management in your community


Webinars from previous years

NCMM–MMC Conversation: Pre-Earth Day celebration: 4/21/2022

A pre-Earth Day celebration. This is a conversation on the topic of innovation out of necessity with Mobility Management with a twist – Resource Sharing.  In areas where you may have limited resources (drivers, vehicles, materials, and volunteers) and little budget, agencies had become creative.  Learn how to develop partnerships, share cost to and think outside of the box to ensure service.

Download the slides

NCMM-MMC Webinar: The Effects of Census Data on Mobility Options in Communities: 9/21/22 

A collaborative discussion with Transportation Consultant, Meredith Greene, about how changes per the census data will impact mobility in your community:

·      Will there be a need for more innovative development of mobility options offered?

·      Is there a need for different type of Mobility Management programs based on the shift in demographics?

·      What should future transportation coordination and planning (growth = demand) consider?

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Mobility On Demand: Turning Innovative Pilot Projects into Sustainable, Long-Term Programs: 9/30/2021. 

During this session, participants heard from a wide range of national mobility management experts who have conceptualized, developed, and piloted a variety of Mobility on Demand projects that have resulted in long-term, sustainable programs. Speakers discussed the challenges, successes, and lessons they learned as they used creative strategies to unify varying transportation modes to ensure riders receive safe, reliable, and efficient trips.

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Building Partnerships: How HUD Envision Centers Can Leverage Mobility and Transportation to Support Community Needs: 6/10/2021

The lack of accessible mobility options for vulnerable populations is an issue that is continually being addressed through creative and innovative partnerships across Federal and State agencies, and fortunately, the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) at the Federal level, has been an impetus for increased coordination activity.

On June 10, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, along with the National Center for Mobility Management offered a free webinar for HUD’s Region 4 EnVision Centers on how to address mobility and transportation to support community needs.

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The Future of Mobility Management Post-COVID: 5/26/2021
Three mobility management professionals coming from a variety of backgrounds and geographical locations shared insights, expertise, and experiences on the current state of mobility management, challenges faced in the wake of the COVID pandemic, and what the future of coordinated transportation will look like across suburban, urban, rural and tribal areas following the restoration and stabilization of transportation services post COVID.

Learning Objectives:

Understand mobility management best practices in the post-COVID era

Learn about a broad range of underlying challenges coordinated transportation services faced as a result of the pandemic

Hear about innovative and creative ways varying communities have adapted to continually provide essential services to vulnerable populations

Gain insights on how to think outside the box, scale mobility management projects to large and sparsely populated communities, and leverage funds through local contracting

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Covid-19 Webinar Series: Mobilizing transit and public health partnerships for COVID-19 vaccinations: Practical Examples

Covid-19 Webinar Series, Part 3: 4/8/21

Flint MTA (MI) has given public health department a seat within Flint’s transit scheduling software, so when they schedule vaccines, they can also schedule the transportation where needed. In Nashua New Hampshire, the transit system is engaged in ongoing conversations with public health to provide flexible services as vaccination efforts evolve. 

Watch the video

Covid-19 Webinar Series, Part 2: 3/24/21

North Carolina DOT has distributed $2.5 million in Coronavirus Relief Funds to all 100 NC counties to support transportation operating costs to provide rides to/from vaccines. The Vermont Public Transit Assn. has long collaborated with its state public health staff, and has recently focused its efforts in ensuring community members can be vaccinated when it is their turn.

Watch the video

Covid-19 Webinar Series, Part 1: 3/10/21

Twin Transit (WA) is serving as the call center for building the vaccination waitlists, and then is coordinating confirmed appointments with transportation. Spartan Transit is providing transportation to vaccination appointments as well as using its own mobility center as a vaccination clinic. Spartan Transit (Levelland, Texas) is providing transportation to vaccination appointments as well as using its own mobility center as a vaccination clinic.

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Virtual Engagement: How Mobility Managers Can Support Coordination and Mobility Management in Exurban and Rural Communities: 2/23/2021
Mobility managers across the country have been increasingly applying innovative strategies and state of the art technologies to engage customers in both rural and exurban areas prior to, and during, the pandemic. However, barriers to support coordination efforts in underserved areas persist. During this webinar, attendees will increase knowledge factors around engagement, eligibility and funding challenges. Participants will develop an increased awareness of the mobility options available for isolated groups, learn about creative incidental use solutions and best practices around virtual engagement strategies, and walk away with the resources and tools they need to advance enhanced engagement methods in their areas.

Featuring: Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler, director, UW Accessible Technology & DO-IT, UW-IT, affiliate professor, Education, University of Washington, Seattle, Emily Smoak (she/her), principal planner, Minnesota Department of Health; Colin Harris, P.E. (he/him), civil engineer and project manager, Alta Planning + Design; Maria Wardoku, AICP, (she/her), transportation planner, Alta Planning + Design; Kristen O’Toole, AICP, (she/her), transportation planner with Alta Planning + Design

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Inclusive walk audit resource

University of Washington DO-IT

Walkable Minnesota 

Mobilizing Transportation and Public Health Partners to Increase COVID-19 Vaccination : 2/4/2021

This webinar, presented by NCMM, featured public health experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Association of County and City Health Officials. The panel speakers included experts from transportation, public health, and emergency medical services. The presentations focused on assisting the public health and public transportation sectors in identifying ways to collaborate to ensure all Americans living in rural and small urban communities are vaccinated.

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Video: introduction and FTA resources

Video: Dr. Janell Routh, CDC

Video: Dr. Oscar Alleyne, NACCHO

Video: Scott Bogren, CTAA

Video: Panel Discussion

Transportation and Mobility Options to Support Post-School Transition for Youth with Autism (February 11)

The National Center for Mobility Management and the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, are providing a free webinar on transportation and mobility services for youth with autism transitioning out of high school. The webinar is intended to help users leverage mobility resources and develop connections with transportation providers and services. The webinar is sponsored by the National Autism Coordinator and the Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health. View the slides or watch the recording here.

Public Health and Transportation Webinar Series:

  • Part One – Collaborating Together for Community Health (October 10, 2019). Part one focused on how public health and transportation professionals can work together to support community health and well-being. This webinar provided an opportunity for mobility management and transportation practitioners to hear from public health professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, and the State of Oregon Health Authority on potential areas for collaboration between the two sectors, and discuss ideas for developing, implementing, and evaluating initiatives to improve community health. View the slides and listen to the archived recording of the webinar.
  • Part Two – On the Ground in Washington County, Minn. (November 6, 2019). Part two provided a deep dive into Washington County, Minn. Presenters representing public health, mobility management, and health care discussed how their community came together around health and transportation, and the outcomes of their cross-sector partnership. The presenters covered the roles of their Community Health Needs Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan in propelling this work forward, and offer tips for identifying relevant stakeholders, participating in transportation and health priority setting, and building and sustaining similar partnerships in your community. View the slides and listen to the archived recording of the webinar.

A Jewel in the Rough: Articulating Your Vision for Technology in RFP Form (July 16, 2019). Public procurement processes can be challenging, likewise the process for understanding and implementing technology. Combine them in the form of technology RFPs and you have a daunting venture for even the most prepared organization. This 1 hour webinar explored the world of technology RFPs and provided a pathway to increase your likelihood of success, from understanding the problem you’re trying to solve all the way through to RFP structure, content, and process. The presenter was Kevin Chambers, the principal and founder of Full Path Transit Technology LLC. View the slides and listen to the archived recording of the webinar. Below are links to the resources Kevin noted to guide the development of technology RFPs.

Identifying Transportation Solutions to Improve Access to Economic Opportunities (Apr 30, 2019). A webinar targeted to FTA Regions 5 and 7. The webinar featured presentations by the Administration for Children & Families (ACF) and the Federal Transit Administration as well as the National Center for Mobility Management on how transportation solutions to help individuals access economic opportunities. Also presented were state examples in coordinating transportation in cross-sector fashion from Ohio and Iowa. Listen to the archived recordingand view the slides and the transcript. Also view the handout, from the CCAM Inventory of Federal Programs Providing Transportation Services to the Transportation Disadvantaged, listing the 14 ACF programs that may fund human services transportation.  The inventory is in the process of being updated; where there is an empty cell, this indicates the information is still under review.

Autonomous Vehicles: Driving Employment for People with Disabilities (Oct 16, 2018). Explored the potential for autonomous vehicles (AVs) to support access to jobs and independence for people with disabilities as well as the challenges to making this a reality. NCMM, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy,  the American Council of the Blind, and GM’s Cruise Automation discussed their work to ensure a universal, autonomous mobility future built on inclusion and engagement. View the recordingand NCMM’s new publication, Autonomous Vehicles: Considerations for People with Disabilities and Older Adults.

Accessibility for All: Considerations for Including People with Disabilities in Shared Mobility Strategies (Sept. 20, 2018). A webinar co-hosted by NCMM and the Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC), featuring Commissioner Karen Tamley from the Chicago Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, Judy Shanley from the NCMM, and Albert Benedict and Sharon Feigon from SUMC. Panelists shared research and perspective on shared-mobility strategies that include disabled people. View the slides and listen to the recording.

Conversations with Leaders: Ed Benning, General Manager, MTA, Flint, MI (Sept. 13, 2018). “Conversations with Leaders” 30-minute Webinars is an NCMM webinar series. Join our conversation with Ed Benning, General Manager/CEO, Flint Mass Transportation Authority, Mich., as he talks about his leadership style and the importance of transforming public transportation services to current needs, including on-demand health care transportation. View the recording.

Conversation with Leaders Series: Cheryl Kastrenakes, Executive Director, Greater Mercer TMA, NJ (Jul. 12, 2018). Cheryl spoke  about the evolution of her organization from a traditional TMA (transportation management association) focused on commuter options (vanpools, carpools, etc.) to one that has a strong human service component, serving seniors, low-income workers, and those who would benefit from travel training. View the recorded webinar and the slides.

Expanding Access to Our Communities: A Guide to Successful Mobility Management Practices in Small Urban and Rural Areas (May 10, 2018). This webinar highlighted a new NCHRP guide, Project 20-65 Task 68, “Successful Mobility Management Practices for Improving Transportation Services in Small Urban and Rural Areas.” The guide serves as a “one-stop” central point of information for improving or implementing mobility management and coordination strategies, providing resources developed through the research as well as those available through NCMM  and other federal initiatives. The webinar focused on key sections of the guide: 1) the four key attributes and characteristics of successful mobility management, 2) program profiles, and 3) state-level support for local practices, and how this assistance can help to expand mobility management in small urban and rural areas. View the recorded webinar and the slides.

Mobility Management, Mobility on Demand, Mobility for All! (Apr. 26, 2018). Not a battle cry, but the evolution of a concept. This webinar looked at contributions of the Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) program and the growing field of mobility management to the USDOT’s vision for Mobility on Demand (MOD). It discussed contributions of Mobility Services for All Americans to human service transportation, mobility management’s contribution to creative, person-centered mobility design, and the evolution of these efforts to the MOD future. New resources, developed through the MSAA program were introduced that support communities of all sizes using technology to advance mobility options. View the recorded webinar and slides.

“Conversations with Leader Series:” Chuck Dyer, Administrator, Office of Transit, Ohio DOT (Apr. 12, 2018). Chuck spoke about the efforts across 14 Ohio departments to align policies that will make transportation coordination possible, including in the areas of driver screening and training, vehicle requirements, requirements, customer eligibility, and usage and costs. View the recorded webinar and slides.

Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Concept and Practice (Mar. 8, 2018). A webinar to understand what Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is, and the steps that go into reaching it. Dwight Mengel from the Tompkins County Department of Social Services and Emma Huang from Los Angeles Metro’s Office of Extraordinary Innovation described their efforts and what they have learned from early stages of MaaS. Listen to the archived recording, including Q&A with the presenters, and view the slides from Emma Huang and Dwight Mengel.

Reduce Mobility Barriers for Accessible, Walkable Streets (Feb. 21, 2018). A joint NCMM and the National Complete Streets Coalition webinar that explored opportunities to include mobility management strategies when implementing complete streets and how to reduce mobility barriers for people with disabilities and older adults. View the recorded webinar and review the slides.

Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Webinar: Community Perspectives (June 6, 2017). The mission of the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) is to issue policy recommendations and implement activities that improve the availability, accessibility, and efficiency of transportation for targeted populations. Three CCAM work groups kicked off in March 2017 to identify and prioritize strategies to meet the requirements of the FAST Act. This webinar began with a brief update on the CCAM from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and then featured three communities and how they are addressing regulatory, funding, and administrative barriers related to coordination and vehicle sharing at the state and local level. A brief , with Q&A following the community presentations. View the presentation.

Human-Centered Mobility and the Benefits for Transit (March 28, 2017). New initiatives, such as technology and alternative transportation modes, often are hailed as solutions to improve mobility. However, these efforts can fall flat if they are not designed and implemented in a systematic way that supports riders’ needs, expectations, and preferences. This webinar discussed the benefits of a human-centered approach and how it can help transit agencies a) better understand riders’ expectations of a transit system, b) work more seamlessly to meet these expectations, c) improve the customer service experience. Presenters included Liza Josias, human factors specialist, American Institutes for Research who provided an overview of a human-centered design approach to mobility; Daisy Wall, Vice President of Community Engagement, RouteMatch, discussed transit customers’ changing expectations and how to adapt; and NCMM’s Judy Shanley, who shared how mobility managers can be involved in this important work. View the archived webinar recording and slides.

Safe Harbor Regulation and NEMT (February 21, 2017). This webinar, jointly sponsored by NCMM and the Community Transportation Association of America, discussed updated rules from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General affecting non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT). The rules provide opportunities for healthcare providers and institutions to support patient transportation. The primary presenter was Susanne E. Crysler, RN, JD, Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, PLLC, Detroit, MI. View the new ruling and the Community Transportation Assn. of America’s review of the rule, as well as the archived recording and transcript of the webinar. NCMM has also created a new resources to facilitate  conversations between transportation and healthcare providers: view the context document and resource guide. UPDATE 2019: New OIG opinion that is relevant to web or app-based NEMT service platforms, for example a MaaS or one-call platform with NEMT-specific information. The opinion sees no problem, but it is useful for knowing the parameters.

State DOT Update and Input Session on the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (February 1, 2017). NCMM and the FTA hosted a webinar to update state departments of transportation on the progress of the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) and to gather input on transportation coordination to further inform the development of the CCAM Strategic Framework. This webinar included an overview of the CCAM and the CCAM Strategic Framework and timeline for implementation as well as a discussion with participants on how to improve coordination between federal programs and state departments of transportation. View the slides and summary notes.

Public Transit Agency Update and Input Session on the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (January 25, 2017). NCMM and the FTA hosted a webinar to update the transit industry on the progress of the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) and gather industry input on transportation coordination to further inform the development of the CCAM Strategic Framework. This webinar included an overview of the CCAM and the CCAM Strategic Framework and timeline for implementation, an overview of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and resources the agency provides, results of a brief survey to better understand coordination challenges and opportunities within the transit industry as well as a discussion with participants on how to improve coordination between federal programs and agencies. View the slides and summary notes.

Senior Corps and Volunteer Transportation (November 29, 2016). One of the most critical issues for aging and elderly Americans is the need for viable forms of transportation. Given the high level of aging demographics, this will be an important issue for years to come. Senior Corps has been in discussions with the Federal Transit Administration about new opportunities that mobility management presents for volunteers. This webinar discussed how to build the capacity of your community volunteers around mobility management to create reliable and safe transportation solutions for older adults and people with disabilities. View the archived recording of this webinar.

Partnerships with Faith-based and Community Organizations to Support Inclusive Coordinated Transportation and Mobility Management (October 25, 2016). This webinar, in collaboration with the ACL Inclusive Coordinated Transportation Partnerships Project, addressed strategies to reach out to faith-based and community organizations and national initiatives that can support your work; partnerships that have been established with non-traditional – non-transit organizations such as religious organizations; and acquiring resources regarding how to develop and sustain relationships. View the archive of this webinar.

Building Competencies for the Practice of Mobility Management (September 21, 2016). The National Center for Mobility Management, in collaboration with the Federal Transit Administration as well as mobility managers across the country, was tasked with developing competencies for the practice of mobility management. Topics covered in this webinar included 1) the process by which NCMM developed and verified competencies, 2) an overview of the competencies by category, 3) examples that the competencies can be implemented, and 4) summary of the comments provided by practitioners in the field. View the slides from the webinar.

Rides to Meals, Part 2: Strategies to Connect Youth with Summer Food Service Programs (April 4, 2016). Each summer, millions of eligible children are unable to access the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Services’ summer meal sites, often because of transportation challenges. In communities across the United States, summer meal programs and transportation professionals are putting their heads together to solve these challenges. This webinar featured two of these communities as well as a short review of other strategies discussed in NCMM’s Mobility Management In Practice brief on this topic: Transportation Strategies to Connect Youth with Summer Food ProgramsView the recorded webinar and Food and Nutrition Service slides and other presenters’ slides.

Rides to Meals: Strategies and Resources to Support Connections between Summer Food Service Programs and Transportation (June 25, 2015). Following a joint welcome from Rik Opstelten, Federal Transit Administration, and Tony Craddock, Jr., USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), the webinar explored ways in which public transit programs can partner with FNS-funded summer food programs to ensure youth have access to nutrition over the summer months. NCMM’s Judy Shanley facilitated the webinar, which also showcased local examples from the field, presented by Kari Banta, Texas DOT, and Brian Baker, SPARTAN Public Transit. View the webinar slides.

Mobility Managers and Transportation Planners: Together, Facilitating Public Input into Transportation Plans (April 16, 2015). In this webinar, Dwayne Weeks, Director of FTA’s Office of Planning, joined presenters from local agencies to discuss the roles FTA, FHWA, and MPOs play in transportation planning and innovative examples for boosting public participation. Speakers discussed how mobility managers and transportation planners together can accomplish the important work of enhancing public input into coordinated transportation planning as well as broader long- and short-term transportation planning. View the webinar recording.
Presenter slides: Jeff Spiehs, Community Engagement Coordinator, Metropolitan Area Planning Agency
Presenter slides: Amy St. Peter, Human Services and Special Projects Manager, Maricopa Assn. of Governments
Presenter slides: James Wagner, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner, Indian Nations COG (also: view the Fast Forward Mobile Outreach Bus video from INCOG)
Presenter slides: Dwayne Weeks, Director, Office of Planning, Federal Transit Administration

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