

State Laws for Child Safety Seats in Rideshare Vehicles (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2018). This website was created to help parents, caregivers, and drivers of ride-share vehicles better understand the laws and regulations surrounding child passenger safety. It includes state-by-state guidance that will help you understand regulations and responsibilities, whether you’re looking for information about your home area or are planning a trip, with links to actual regulations for each state.

Disruptive Innovations in Ridesharing (Center for Urban Transportation Research, 2013). Webinar presentation by Dr. Susan Shaheen (Transportation Sustainability Research Center, University of California, Berkeley) and reactions by a panel on current trends in ridesharing, including real-time ridesharing.

The Sharing Economy: Implications for Ridesharing (Joblinks Employment Transportation Center 2013). Looks at principles that are driving the growth of the sharing economy and how they apply to ridesharing.

Ridesharing as a Complement to Transit (Transit Cooperative Research Program, Synthesis No. 98, 2012). Looks at the state of the practice as well to assist transit agencies and other entities in deciding how to enhance ridesharing and public transit coordination.

Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present, and Future (Transportation Sustainability Research Center, Univ. of California Berkeley, 2011). Looks at historical and future trends in ridesharing and factors that impact those trends.

Related Websites

Vanpooling. This page, developed by the Joblinks Employment Transportation Center, provides an online training (2013) for transit agencies considering integrating vanpooling into their transportation offerings, as well as profiles of vanpooling programs and resources.


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