Ten ways to design healthy communities (Urban Milwaukee, 2018). A quick primer on the design aspects communities should consider to make healthy choices accessible to all members.
Accessibility in Practice: A Guide for Transportation Land Use and Decision-Making (Virginia Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment, 2017). New technological and data tools now allow agencies to better understand decisions where to build, or not to build, certain facilities to maximize people's access to them.
The Value of Public and Community Transportation Investments (National Center for Mobility Management, 2014). This page features resources and strategies for deciding what to measure, and measuring and communicating the benefits and value of transportation investments.
A Tool for Assessing the Economic Impacts of Spending on Public Transit (Center for Urban Transportation Research, 2013). Tool and introductory webinar to an Excel-based template tool developed for transit agencies, local governments, and other stakeholders of public transit to estimate the economic impacts of spending on public transit.
Exploring the Role of Regional Transportation Projects as Rural Economy Drivers (NADO Research Foundation, 2011). Presents three case studies exploring three transportation-led economic development projects in Vermont, Alabama, and Oregon.
Strengthening Connections Between Transportation Investments and Economic Growth (National Transportation Policy Project, 2011). Elaborates upon and deepens the ongoing policy discussion of relationships between investments in transportation infrastructure and the nation’s short and long-term economic well-being.
Economic Benefits of Coordinated Human Service Transportation and Transit Services (Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report No. 91, 2003). Examines the net economic benefits associated with various strategies and practices for coordinating human service transportation and general public transit, provides quantitative estimates of these strategies and practices, and identifies innovative and promising coordination strategies and practices.
Related Websites
HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities. The website for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities to help communities improve access to affordable housing and transportation while protecting the environment.
Livability and Sustainable Communities. The Federal Transit Administration's web page to support the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Livability Initiative, including links to policies, resources, case studies, and grant programs.
National Association of Development Organizations. Provides advocacy, education, research, and training for the nation’s regional development organizations to strengthen the economic competitiveness and quality of life across America’s local communities.
Rockefeller Foundation: Transportation and Infrastructure. Discusses issues related to transportation infrastructure and economic development.
Smart Growth Program. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Highlights research, tools, partnerships, case studies, grants, and technical assistance to help communities grow in ways that expand economic opportunity, protect public health and the environment and create and enhance the places that people love.