Technology-Enabled Innovation in Transit Services (National Center for Mobility Management, 2019). A conversation about how technology affects innovation among transit providers.
Reference Manual for Planning and Design of a Travel Management Coordination Center (TMCC) (Federal Transit Administration, 2018). This manual provides a reference for planning and designing a Transportation Management Coordination Center using intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and other technologies to enhance the coordination of mobility services for the transportation-disadvantaged. The manual is intended to facilitate and encourage local efforts to pursue technology for this purpose. You can also view the report summary here.
Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Transit Agencies. This report documents the current state of the practice in the use of open data for improved transit planning, service quality, and customer information and the implications of open data and open documentation policies. (Transportation Cooperative Research Board, 2015).
Re-Programming Mobility: The Digital Transformation of Transportation in the United States. Researchers look at new technological innovations and their implications for the future of transportation. They present a set of four alternative scenarios set in major American metropolitan areas in the year 2030, intending for these scenarios to spur and inform discussions about the key issues that the nation’s transportation planners and policymakers need to anticipate in the coming decade. (NYU Wagner Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management, 2014).
There’s an App for That: Apps Help Mobility Management Professionals Empower Their Customers. Explores smartphone apps that assist people with disabilities, older adults, and people with limited income to connect to transportation options. (National Center for Mobility Management, 2014).
Standardizing Data for Mobility Management. Reports on research to identify opportunities for the standardization of data relevant to mobility management systems, focusing on realistically achievable objectives that can be attained in the near-term, including possible specifications, and which can also contribute to more ambitious outcomes over a longer time frame. Also, view the video introduction to the project.(Transit Cooperative Research Program, 2013).
Developing Regional Mobility Management Centers. Sets the stage for a multi-phase program to develop innovative low-cost management protocols and software to facilitate data exchange among transportation systems, to help communities better organize, coordinate, schedule, dispatch, and monitor service programs that use transportation as one component of their service delivery strategies.(Transit Cooperative Research Program, Transit IDEA project 50, 2012).
Evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems for Mobility Management and Coordination Serving California’s Rural Frontier. Documents the evolution, development, and lessons learned while attempting to identify, modify, and deploy ITS and advanced technology tools to facilitate coordination of public transit and social (human) service transportation and mobility management in a “one-stop shop” located in Modoc County, California.(Federal Transit Administration, 2012).
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Transit Technology Fact Sheets. Overview. Provides a summary of the most basic and useful technologies for different types of transit agencies. (Federal Transit Administration).
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Applications for Coordinating and Improving Human Services Transportation: A Cross-Cutting Study. Improving Service for the Transportation Disadvantaged. Highlights technologies that improve accessibility for the transportation disadvantaged, emphasizing technologies that improve coordination of agencies, services, functions, or modes.(Federal Highway Administration, 2006).
Guidebook for Selecting Appropriate Technology Systems for Small Urban and Rural Public Transportation Operators. Supports public transportation professionals in identifying and implementing appropriate technologies for their transit systems. It can be useful in the procurement of low-tech solutions, such as off-the-shelf computer software, as well as high-tech systems, such as automatic vehicle location (AVL) system. (Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report No. 76, 2002).
The Transit Wire. Provides information on state-of-the-art technologies used in the public transportation industry.
Transportation Coordination Enabled by Technology and Innovative Design. This series by the National Center for Mobility Management profiles both newer technologies and existing technologies newly adapted to transportation coordination activities. Part of the Promising Practices in Mobility Management series, created by the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM). Communities profiled in this publication:
- Via Mobility Services, Boulder, Colo.: Technology to Enable Trip Sharing Among Providers
- Polk County Transit and ElderPoint Ministries, Fla.: Partnering with Volunteer Drivers to Expand Capacity
- Lane Transit District, Ore.: Using Technology to Schedule, Track, and Allocate Trip Costs
- GoLive, North Carolina: Providing Real-Time Travel Information to Customers
- Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART), Mass.: Web-Based Bidding System for Brokering Lowest-Cost Trip