Cycling Resources
Designing for All Ages and Abilities (National Association of City Transportation Officials, 2017). A guide to how planners can design bike networks to be safe, comfortable, and accessible for bicyclists of all ages and abilities.
Manual on Pedestrian and Bicycle Connections to Transit (Federal Transit Administration, 2017). An FTA resource to help planners maximize safety and access to public transit resources.
Naturalistic Bicycling Behavior Study (Florida Department of Transportation, 2017). Researchers mounted cameras on the bikes of 100 volunteers to observe interactions between cars and bikes in natural settings. This study setup can be a useful model for other communities to understand their cycling facilities, or where they should be added. Find a synopsis of the study's findings here.
The Versatility of Cycling: Programs Evolve to Respond to Diverse Customer Needs (National Center for Mobility Management, 2014). Reviews types of bicycle programs that exist, the populations they are serving, the innovations being implemented to expand the numbers of people who bike, and the community partnerships that are making these programs happen.
Estimating Bicycling and Walking for Planning and Project Development: A Guidebook (TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2014). Offers methods and tools to help communities better plan for use of bicycling and walking on their communities.
The Versatility of Cycling: Programs Evolve to Respond to Diverse Customer Needs (National Center for Mobility Management, 2014). Reviews types of bicycle programs that exist, the populations they are serving, the innovations being implemented to expand the numbers of people who bike, and the community partnerships that are making these programs happen.
Perceptions of Bicycle-Friendly Policy Impacts on Accessibility to Transit Services: The First and Last Mile Bridge (Mineta Transportation Institute, 2014). Reports on research to determine the extent to which cycling as a first mile/last mile mode effectively extends the reach of transit in communities.
How to Increase Bicycling for Daily Travel (Active Living Research, 2013). Summarizes the available evidence about strategies for increasing bicycling levels and encouraging bicycling as a mode of transportation. Looks in depth at how improving cycling infrastructure correlates with increased cycling rates. This report also presents related policy implications.
Making First/Last Mile Connections to Transit: How Carsharing and Bikesharing Programs are Improving Connectivity (National Center for Mobility Management, 2013). Looks at how car sharing and bike sharing programs are improving connectivity to transit.
Bikesharing Resources
How to build the best bike share for your campus (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2018). An informative explanation from University of North Carolina, Greensboro's experience in implementing a bikeshare program on its campus and surrounding community.
Unraveling the Modal Impacts of Bikesharing (Susan Shaheen and Elliot Martin, Dec 2015). Researchers Susan Shaheen and Elliot Martin surveyed more than 10,000 bike-share riders in Montreal, Toronto, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, and Washington, DC. Like previous surveys have shown, Shaheen and Martin found that a significant number of bike-share users reduce car use. But their main focus was how bike-share affects transit use. The effect of bike-share on transit travel habits varied according to the context. As you might expect, in areas with sparse transit, bike-share offers an important “last-mile” connection. In areas with dense transit networks, bike-share serves as more of a substitute for transit, relieving crowding on packed buses and trains.
Bike-Share Is (Still) Struggling to Reach Poor People Across North America (The Atlantic CityLab, 2014). Provides analysis of 2014 Mineta Institute report (below) vis-a-vis low-income communities.
Bikeshare Planning Guide (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2013). A comprehensive report on bike share’s history and current practice.
Integrating Bikesharing with Public Transportation (Center for Urban Transportation Research, Univ. South Florida, 2012). Webinar presents an overview of some of the key factors that agencies thinking of operating a bikesharing system should consider, such as business models, system planning, and operations. Speakers also highlighted case studies and provide some recommendations for integrating a bikesharing system with transit.
Related Websites
League of American Bicyclists. Organization that advocates for biking infrastructure and developing and growing the biking community.
Federal Highway Administration, “bicycle and pedestrian” web page. Provides resources on the topics of funding, legislation, and guidance.
National Center for Bicycling and Walking. Provides technical assistance and training for communities that wish to improve and expand the opportunities for walking and biking.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. The umbrella program for and