Public Microtransit Pilots in the State of North Carolina: Operational Characteristics, Costs, and Lessons Learned (North Carolina State University 2023). This study presents the experience of the public agencies in North Carolina that have implemented microtransit systems and seeks to contribute to an improved understanding of microtransit costs, advantages, and current challenges. The authors discuss existing challenges related to funding availability, meeting the demand under cost constraints, ADA compliance, banking and technology related barriers, virtual stops and access to vehicles, driver shortage and training, and data ownership. They also present the lessons learned from the NC microtransit implementations.
Who’s Riding TNC’s and What Does it Mean for Public Transit Agencies? (Transit Cooperative Research Program, 2018). A webinar covering TCRP’s Research Report 195: Broadening Understanding of the Interplay Between Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal Automobiles, which explores when, where, and how people use TNCs like Uber and Lyft.
UpRouted: Exploring Microtransit in the United States (Eno Center for Transportation, 2018). In the United States, public transportation agencies are experimenting with on-demand, shared, and dynamic models to augment traditional fixed-route bus and train services. This reports helps public transportation agencies and departments of transportation understand the benefits and challenges of incorporating components of these innovations into publicly funded services.
What Can Transit Agencies Learn from TNCs’ Late-Night Popularity? (Shared Use Mobility Center, 2018). A study of usage patterns based off of data from “a major TNC” provides insights into how people use them and provides guidance for how transit agencies should use this information.
Broadening Understanding of the Interplay Between Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal Automobiles (Transit Cooperative Research Program,Research Report 195, 2018). A pre-publication, non-edited, draft version of of a study that explores how shared modes—and ridesourcing companies in particular—interact with the use of public transit and personal automobiles.
Transportation Network Companies: Challenges and Opportunities for Airport Operators (Transportation Research Board, Synthesis 84, 2017). Compiles experiences and effective practices by airports in facilitating customer access to Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft.
Between Public and Private Mobility: Examining the Rise of Technology-Enabled Transportation Services (Transportation Research Board, Report 319, 2016). Analyzes how innovative transportation services, including ridesharing, carsharing, bikesharing, and microtransit, are changing mobility for millions of travelers. Also view Transportation Research News article on the same topic.