The Community Engagement Guide for Sustainable Communities (Sustainable Communities Living Initiative, 2012). A guide to the benefits of and guidelines for fostering the community engagement that is necessary to build sustainable communities.
Sociability: Social Media for People with a Disability (Australian Communications Community Action Network, 2012). A review of social media accessibility that provides an insight into how people with disabilities can best use popular social media tools.
Social Media and Inclusive Transportation Planning (webinar) (Transit Planning 4 All, 2013). Covers effective, practical applications for social media in inclusive transit planning.
Related Website
Liberating Structures: Including and Unleashing Everyone. Discusses an alternative way to approach and design how people work together. It provides a menu of thirty-three Liberating Structures to replace or complement conventional practices.
Transit Planning for All (Administration for Community Living, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services). TP4A is a coordinated transportation-planning project that has funded a series of pilot projects across the nation. Its site includes resources to help communities plan, conduct, evaluate, and sustain planning programs to improve local transit services and options. TP4A's mission is to increase involvement in transportation planning and services for people with disabilities and older adults.
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Publishes guidelines widely regarded as the international standard for Web accessibility. Provides support materials and resources to help understand and implement Web accessibility. Sponsored by private companies, European Commission Information Society Technologies Programme, U.S. Department of Education, and National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research.