Performance Measurement

Measuring the Value of Mobility Management (National Center for Mobility Management, 2018). A guide to walk mobility managers through articulating return on investment for mobility management positions.

Making Transit Count: Performance Measures that Move Transit Projects Forward (National Association of City Transportation Officials, 2018). A guide to choosing the right performance measures that lead to better designs, projects, and street management. In short, measure customer experience and behavior to help transit succeed.

Performance Measures for Mobility Management (National Center for Mobility Management 2016). Explores the value of performance measurement to mobility management, lays out a process for developing a performance measurement strategy, and suggests measures for a range of mobility management activities and ways to effectively share and leverage performance measurement results.

Transforming Performance Measurement for the 21st Century (Urban Institute, 2014). Provides a number of recommendations to help public and private service organizations 1) select appropriate performance indicators and data collection procedures, 2) analyze and report the information, and 3) use the information to improve services.


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