Smart Growth America’s Equity Summit

At Smart Growth America, we deeply believe that improving racial disparities is at the core of a smart growth approach.…

Electrified Community Carsharing

Electric carsharing can reduce reliance on private cars and increase the use of more sustainable transportation options. Electric carsharing can…

Understanding ADA

Description: The goal of this course is to teach transit professionals the legal background of ADA and paratransit requirements. Topics…

Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transport

February 2-3, 2021, 09:00am-2:00pm PT | 12:00noon-05:00pm ET on both days AV America, with the support of Global Mass Transit (GMT),…

Title VI and Public Transit

This course will help practitioners appreciate the importance of transit equity considerations during the day-to-day life of transit planning, management,…

CRRSAA for 5310 Direct Recipients

February 9, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST The National Aging & Disability Transportation Center will host two webinars on the…

CRRSAA for 5310 Subrecipients and Tribes

February 11, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST This webinar is targeted to subrecipients who receive funding from MPOs, State DOTs,…



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