1 million kilometres travelled using Fareshare in New Zealand to go to work

  • Date: 05/15/2024

A sustainability-centered move to a new 6 Green Star-rated office with almost no parking. Genesis’ old head office had ample free parking, so 67% of staff were using a private vehicle for their commute. They were concerned about how they would get to and from their new office.

Solution: With Fareshare, the employer subsidises the cost of employee public transport. Managed by Auckland Transport, this incentive encourages staff to switch to public transport for their daily commute.


  • 68% now use public transport or an active mode (like walking or cycling) for their daily commute.
  • Since starting Fareshare, Genesis staff have travelled 1 million kilometres on public transport.
  • 73% of Genesis staff surveyed said Fareshare encouraged them to use public transport more often.
Open Article


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