Ohio Health department gets additional COVID funds for transportation services

  • Date: 12/16/2023

Additional COVID funding could help provide transportation and assessment of Wood County residents experiencing COVID-type symptoms and lead to earlier treatment.

At Thursday’s Wood County Board of Health meeting, Health Commissioner Ben Robison reported funding was recently approved that can be used to support countywide transportation services, including the possible purchase of a mobile unit, for timely assessment and mitigation of the disease.

“This is really exciting news,” Robison said. “This is intended to provide transportation services throughout the county to support evaluation for symptoms that could be COVID.”

Even if the test results determine the person does not have COVID, the grant will still cover the services.

“Lots of diseases look like COVID, but if the person tests positive for other diseases like the flu, that’s okay. This allows us to begin to get our arms around the breadth of emerging healthcare issues and offer treatment earlier in the course of the disease,” he added.

“We were never able to execute the transportation services before. We got approval through conversations that these were allowable costs, so we submitted our budget for revision, but it took some time and a change in guidelines at the federal level to get the approval,” Robison explained.

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