• Date: 03/25/2022

Nearly all physicians reported that at least one social driver of health affected the health outcomes of all or some their patients.

Financial instability (34% of patients) and transportation problems (24% of patients) were the top two social drivers of health experienced by physicians’ patients.

A solid majority of physicians (80%) reported that addressing social drivers of health is essential to improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.

Eight in 10 physicians (83%) reported challenges in addressing patients’ SDOH contribute to physician burnout rates. Additionally, six in 10 physicians (68%) believe managing patients’ SDOH has a major impact on physician mental health and well-being. Much of this is due to lack of resources. More than half of physicians reported experiencing stress or frustration on a daily or weekly basis because of limited time during patient visits to discuss SDOH, insufficient workforce to navigate patients to community resources to address SDOH, existing payer reporting requirements taking time away from being able to address patients’ SDOH, lack of reimbursement for screening for or addressing SDOH, and community resources unavailable, inadequate or difficult to access,” Price said.

Open Article


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