St. James, hospital set up coronavirus vaccination call center, transportation service

  • Date: 01/28/2021


St. James Parish government and the parish hospital have set up a call center and transportation services to streamline vaccinations for the coronavirus, parish officials said Thursday.

The call center, which will be manned by parish and St. James Parish Hospital employees, will allow people who do not have access to a computer to register for the vaccine and make an appointment.

The transit service will be available to residents who don't have their own transportation.

St. James Parish government and the parish hospital have set up a call center and transportation services to streamline vaccinations for the coronavirus, parish officials said Thursday.

The call center, which will be manned by parish and St. James Parish Hospital employees, will allow people who do not have access to a computer to register for the vaccine and make an appointment.

The transit service will be available to residents who don't have their own transportation.

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