Mobility Management Forum

Mobility Management Forum

We were thrilled to see so many people at the 2023 Mobility Management Forum. With 170 registered participants and 110 people tuning in on livestream there was a wonderful variety of perspectives and experiences. Thank you to everybody who joined us, whether in person or virtually!

Videos of each speaker and their slides are linked in the agenda below.

For further discussion head over to MyNCMM and join the 2023 Mobility Management Forum Discussion

Felisha Jones, Oklahoma City VA mobility manager, speaks to 2023 Forum attendees

2023 Mobility Management Forum Agenda

What Partnerships Can Accomplish

Hear the story of Palomar, a Family Justice Center, and its partners in Oklahoma City

Kim Garrett-Funk
Chief Visionary Officer and
Founder, Palomar

Looking for Mobility Managers in All the Right Places

Mobility Management practices can be found in many organizations. Learn about the allied fields of community health workers and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ mobility managers. 

Cpt. David Wong, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer; Lead, Community Health Worker Sustainability; HHS Office of Minority Health

Felisha Jones
Mobility Manager, Veterans Transportation Program, Oklahoma City VA

Stories from the Sooner State

Oklahoma is doing some exciting things in mobility. This session will provide updates on statewide mobility management activities, providing on-demand service in rural areas, and managing mobility with limited resources. 

Olivia Hook
Statewide Mobility Manager, Oklahoma DOT

Kendra McGeady
Transit Director, Pelivan Transit

Stephanie Davis
Mobility Programs Coordinator, Embark

Funding for Services

Federal funding sources can be hard to decipher, but FTA is here to make it easy. Learn about the opportunities for flexing FHWA funding to support public transit and what the human services agency exception to the Charter Rule means for mobility management. 

Gail Lyssy
FTA Region 6 Administrator

Danielle Nelson
FTA Office of Rural and Targeted Programs 

Sheila Holbrook-White
Waiver Transportation Program Manager, Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities

Afternoon Workshops

Join us for an afternoon of workshops focused on important topics in mobility management. Some workshop topics include:

Mobility Management and Health Care

Mobility Management and Housing Services

State Mobility Management Networks

Performance Measures for Mobility Management

Asked and Answered: Your Questions on the ADA

The Americans with Disabilities Act is one of the most important pieces of legislation to be passed in our country, and affects many of our service offerings. Come get your questions answered from the expert!

Will Rodman
Research Scientist, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Previous Mobility Management Forums

NCMM held its 2022 Mobility Management Forum at the Louisville (KY) Omni Hotel, on Thursday, May 12, during CTAA’s EXPO 2022. Below is the recorded livestream and slide-decks from the event.

2022 Mobility Management Forum Livestream Recording from Ntl Ctr for Mobility Management on Vimeo.

Gathering + NCMM Updates

Who is in Your Mobility Management Circle – interactive audience discussion

Making the Case with Data

Ryan Spaight, Wisconsin DOT, Non-Driver Households GIS Tool (Forum presentation)

Tom Love, Policy Map (slides)

Integrating Mobility Management into Your Community

Zoe Miller, Zoe Miller Strategies, “Building Bridges to Reach Riders” (slides, Forum presentation)

Mark Smutny, Civic Reinventions, Inc., “Partnering with Organizations Serving People from Diverse Cultures” (Forum presentation)

Funding Mobility Management Activities

Danielle Nelson, Office of Program Management, Rural and Targeted Programs, FTA “Federal Fund Braiding Guide” (slides, Forum presentation)

Fred Roberge, Vice President of Transportation, Easter Seals NH,VT and Chair, New Hampshire Statewide Coordination Council, “Mobility Management with Cross-Federal Program Funding” (Forum presentation)

NCMM held its 2021 Mobility Management Forum at CTAA’s EXPO 2021 in Richmond, Virginia on Tuesday, November 9. The opening session highlighted 10 speakers on four panels, live-streamed, with the full event and questions asked by attendees and answered by panelists shown in full. Watch the archived video!

Opening Remarks and NCMM Update

Amy Conrick, Director, NCMM

Innovative Services in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Chris Blankenship, Mobility & Med Ride Program Coordinator, Pulaski Co, VA
Dawn Missory, former Mobility Manager, Chesterfield Co.
Katherine Newman, Mobility Manager, Bay Transit
Brittany Voll, Transit Programs Manager, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation

Advancing Transportation Through Cross-Sector Partnerships

Steven DaCosta, Transportation Planning Specialist, Greater Mercer TMA, Mercer Co., NJ
Stephanie Davis, Mobility Programs Coordinator, Embark, Oklahoma City OK
Staci Sahoo, Director, Mobility Management, Hopelink, King. Co., WA

Applying MaaS strategies to Advance Transportation Options in Smaller Communities

Janae Futrell, Principal, Civic Sphere
Dr. Göran Smith, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


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