High Valley’s microtransit hits 100,000 riders 4 months early

  • Date: 02/23/2022

Those black-and-blue minivans shuttling passengers around the Snyderville Basin went into service in May, and by late January, they’d given more than 100,000 rides.

According to a High Valley Transit District staff report, officials set 100,000 rides as the goal for the entire first year of the microtransit program.

The on-demand service is free, as are the other transit options the district offers, including the more traditional full-size buses running on fixed routes. High Valley Executive Director Caroline Rodriguez said the average wait time for a microtransit ride is around 25 minutes.

“Since we've launched, we've had about 250,000 fixed-route rides provided and just under 115,000 micro trips provided. So, quite a bit of service,” Rodriguez said. “And on micro we're getting between 1,300 and 2,000 rides a day. And then on fixed route, 2,000 rides a day.”

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