Park City micro transit ridership exploding after expansion

  • Date: 03/22/2023

Park City launched its micro transit pilot program Nov. 11, 2022. Between then and the beginning of March 2023, the service carried over 1,600 passengers. At that time, micro transit, which is a free ride-hailing service, was strictly regulated to the Thaynes and Park Meadows neighborhoods, and Royal Street in Deer Valley.

Micro transit began serving the entire city, from Main Street to Quinn’s Junction, in March. That pivot came after High Valley Transit Executive Director Caroline Rodriquez told the Park City Council the service map needed to expand for micro to reach its full potential. High Valley Transit, which is Summit County’s transportation arm, is partnering with the city on the pilot program, which is set to end in mid-April.

As a result of being able to serve a wider area, High Valley Transit District Board Chair Kim Carson said micro ridership has increased dramatically this month. Since March 2, micro has served over 5,500 people. That means it's carrying triple the number of riders in the first three weeks of March than previously served over more than three months in Park City.

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